Dont get “Scroogled” says Microsoft



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scroogled-ad-campaign-9672Have you come across Microsoft’s “SCROOGLED”  ad campaign? Not many have so I thought I would take this opportunity, introduce it to you and voice my thoughts. Pointed directly at Google Microsoft is acting like a 5 year old in desperation for attention! “You Wait Google, I’m gonna show you, im gonna tell all your users how much you suck!” Give me a break. While pointing to Google’s dishonesty in search Microsoft redirects the campaigns attention to its software solutions. In reality though Microsoft has been piggybacking on Google search results and ideas for years. I’m not even sure why they bother competing in that space. Why not just stick to what you know best which is apparently Minecraft (Microcraft). Mark Penn from Microsoft is the “brains” behind this sad campaign and apparently he destroyed Hilary Clinton’s campaign in 2008 after which he got a job with Microsoft.

This is not about “who’s” application / service is better, rather about equal opportunity in a market where one large market shareholder has to resort to such means of advertising to gain or increase trust by putting distrust in the competitors client base.

Who do you think is the bigger man now?

Check out the campaign  details yourself and leave some feedback on our Facebook page.

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