How NOT to Succeed with E-commerce

E-commerce Website Pitfalls
A lot of businesses these days are often too eager to jump in on the ecommerce bandwagon the first chance they get without a clue what they are actually getting themselves into. The result – many end up failing when they otherwise could have succeeded had they known that success in e-commerce demands so much more than business web design.
As a matter of fact, people in the online marketing business should know all that they can about what they could be doing wrong from website design to the marketing strategies and methodologies that they employ as well as the number of things that one should steer clear of.
As the great Steve Jobs used to say, knowing what not to do is about just as important as knowing what to do. The same thing can certainly be said about online marketing!
What not to do in ecommerce websites
Incomprehensible web marketing websites – prospects are certainly bound to be disappointed if end up visiting your website but can barely understand what its all about. You may be putting out too much information on your web page or making excessive and improper use of web design elements that can only result to much confusion. Avoid design elements and content that are irrelevant and only adds clutter to your website. It’s best to opt for a minimalistic and simple approach in ecommerce websites featuring user-friendly navigation and interface along with clear and high quality web content.
Poor presentation of your products or services – you can’t expect anybody to purchase your products or services now would you? You can’t expect your prospects to take your “call to actions” and marketing messages seriously much less impress them with whatever it is that you are offering on your ecommerce websites. Thus one must aim to present their products or services on their e-commerce websites in such a way that it effectively and quickly leaves a good impression and as you may already know, impressions are everything in online marketing! Ensure that your content is useful and informative and descriptions or information about your products or services are clear and flawlessly presented. Get them guessing or discourage them in any way and you can very well lose many of your prospects to the competition!
Websites that are difficult to use and navigate in – there is more to web design than just aesthetics and it must not only be pleasant to look at but your website should also be fairly simple to use and navigate in. Users need to know exactly where they are on your website at all times and how to get around the features that you offer. Navigation needs to be effortless and important information and web page elements need to be clearly visible to users at all times. Such elements include navigation bars, banners and “call-to-action” buttons.
These are but a few of the e-commerce and web marketing pitfalls that one needs to be wary of. Needless to say, people in the ecommerce business need to make sure they go about their online marketing strategies free of such pitfalls which can very well cost them dearly!
Navigation needs to be effortless and important information and web page elements need to be clearly visible to users at all times. Such elements include navigation bars, banners and “call-to-action” buttons.
These are but a few of the e-commerce and web marketing pitfalls that one needs to be wary of. Needless to say, people in the ecommerce business need to make sure they go about their online marketing strategies free of such pitfalls which can very well cost them dearly!