New Zealand and social media


Internet related

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social_media_new_zealand   94.6% of kiwis with an internet connection accessed some form of social media platform during the month of November 2013! This statistic is pretty staggering considering it represents over half the total population.  Demographics are clearly defined from 15+ showing that older Kiwi audiences use LinkedIn (over 53% growth in 12 months during that year) much more which complements the benefits this has in such a quick moving small sole trading economy.  Facebook continues to dominate with over 1.95 million users, whilst over 53% of Tumblrs users are under 35. In New Zealand there are 1.05 million children (2006 census) under the age of 18, meaning that during the month of November 2013 over 900 thousand kiwi kids were on some form of social media! Now that’s a scary thought 🙂

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